Dr. T.D. Singh's
Institute of Science and Religion(
Navi Mumbai) Creating a benchmark for Inclusive Knowledge
(Science and Religion Group - Bhaktivedanta Institute
CHEAR Centre for Human Excellence (Studies) and Applied Research (Vision of Dr. T.D. Singh)
Dr. T.D. Singh has provided his unique insights for developing Human Excellence amongst student community through a holistic approach.
He said, "Our goal is to make our students as worthy and exemplary citizens of the society so that they can cope with changing sceneries and landscapes in their life's journey with confidence and dignity."
Today it has become a challenge as we find the students and academicians are struggling to harness their inner potential and achieve human excellence in the midst of globalized complexities and competitions.
In this regard, the Centre for Human Excellence and Applied Research facilitates development of Human Excellence through a new synthetic approach. It provides guidance to the academic/student community to adopt an inclusive and holistic approach in their educational career to face challenges of globalized world as well to utilize their study for the benefit of mankind. The centre also provides a platform towards an intellectual fulfilment integrated with lessons from life's journey.
Here, the centre specifically conducts short certificate courses and Thematic based seminar series in virtual as well as blended mode.
In present times, visibility of incommunicable mental sickness during Covid and post Covid-19 phase amongst youth is indeed alarming around the globe. Our recent data findings(2020-2024) have confirmed that cases of suicides and depression were on the rise even amongst bright students of the best campuses in India.
Considering the present situation, the CHEAR has aptly developed a practical learner centric certificate course -
Foundation course on Mental Wellness Yoga. The course syllabus is largely within the framework of an elective certificate course on Mental Wellness offered by any academic campus wherever applicable.
This unique certificate course is accredited to and offered in collaboration with YOGA University of The Americas, USA. The University is accredited to American Association of Drugless Practitioner (AADP). The course will be facilitated by qualified practicing experts.
Aim The course aims at nurturing Mental Health to endure Life Challenges
To create awareness of Mind-Body issues
To provide scientific perspective of Alternatives therapies on Mental Wellness
To build capacity for achieving quality proficiency
To regain and build self-confidence
To bring peace in daily life
Course Highlights
A Pragmatic synthesis of Authentic and Rich Eastern wisdom with Modern Health wellness tools
Important concepts simplified for daily practice.
An integrative approach to harmonize body, mind and self
Every session includes guided practices on Awareness/Activities/Exercises
Certificate will be awarded after completion of the course
The outcome expected after completing the course are:
Revitalized Cognitive skills
Regulated Thoughts and Behaviour
Positive orientation of Mind
Emotional Stability
Holistic Life Management wisdom
Course Duration: 15 hours, Each Session: 1.5-2 hrs
The course is well crafted after doing reasonable groundwork and data analysis of captured data coupled with decades of learning and real-time practice by our team and valuable suggestions by our Advisory Academic Board. It thus caters to realistic challenges faced by students and the academic community.
With several studies identifying students as a vulnerable group facing grave risk of losing mental equilibrium, for the students especially, we are offering this course primarily in the spirit of compassion cum social service with non-profit or commercial motive as indicated through our minimal course fees.
More such courses are in the pipeline.
For enquiries contact:
Whatsapp - 9869337988/7304852390